Corporate Knights ranks UPM on the 25th place in the list of 100 most sustainable corporations in the world

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(UPM, Helsinki, 21 January 2016 at 14:00 EET) – UPM has been ranked on the 25th place in the list of 100 most sustainable corporations by Corporate Knights, the Canadian-based media and research company. UPM is the only company in the Paper and Forest Products category.

The Global 100 Index is determined using 12 quantitative sustainability indicators, including the amount of revenue that companies generate per unit of energy consumed, the ratio of CEO to average worker pay and percentage of taxes paid. Companies who make the Global 100 ranking are the top overall performers in terms of sustainability in their respective industrial sectors, selected from 4353 listed companies with a market capitalisation of over 2 billion USD on 1 October 2015.

For further informations read here the complete Press release 


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