Leaders of Sustainable Biofuels (LSB) appoints Piero Cavigliasso as new chairman

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LSB calls for clear, long-term and sustainable policy for advanced biofuels post 2020: “we are ready to help decarbonize European transport”


Piero Cavigliasso Director Public Affairs, BIOCHEMTEX

In the Annual General Meeting of Leaders of Sustainable Biofuels on June 16th, 2016, Piero Cavigliasso from BioChemtex was appointed chairman for the next year. LSB consists of leading European companies investing in advanced biofuels, including BioChemtex, BTG, Clariant, Dong,  St1, UPM and British Airways. Mr Piero Cavigliasso states: “This is a critically important year for advanced biofuels. We are looking forward to the Commission communication on decarbonizing transport, due in July. We believe that after  COP21, the EU must give consideration to all available solutions to fulfill its climate commitments: provided the right policy framework is in place, our companies stand ready to further deploy the most innovative technologies to produce advanced biofuels. We can  contribute to the reduction of transport emissions, but also bring important additional benefits in terms of European investment, jobs, energy security.” Piero Cavigliasso concludes: “We are ready to continue the most positive and constructive dialogue with EU institutions and stakeholders in order to define the appropriate, sustainable and long-term policy for advanced biofuels”.

Download PDF version of the Press release


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