Advanced biofuels industry welcomes eu institutions’ commitment to decarbonise transport and calls upon the EU to ensure sufficient confidence & predictability for investors by setting an advanced biofuels mandate in 2021

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Advanced biofuels coalition Leaders of Sustainable Biofuels (LSB) calls upon the EU institutions to ensure sufficient investor confidence for the sector by setting the advanced biofuels mandate, based on Annex IX part A, to begin in 2021. The Commission and the European Parliament are aligned with the policy request but Council is proposing that the mandate only kicks off in 2025This would create significant political insecurity for the sector and jeopardize the swift uptake of advanced biofuels in the EU. A binding Annex IX part A based target would set a strong framework for investments in sustainable, novel and innovative technologies and production facilities that will enable the industry to move forward and to unleash its full potential in Europe. Key Policy Request from the Advanced Biofuels industry:

  1. A dedicated Annex IX part A based target from 2021 to create investor confidence and unleash investments
  2. Climate action requires ambition: high ambition requires incentives and wide feedstock basis to invest in measures that reduce emissions – multipliers and double-counting should not be introduced if their impact is a significant reduction of the ambition level for the mandate.
  3. Annex IX part A feedstock list as agreed in the ILUC directive to show policy continuity and long-term regulatory stability for the investor community
    • LSB objects to the European Parliament position that removes “biomass fraction of mixed municipal waste” as a feedstock in Annex IX part A
  4. Cascading and respecting the waste hierarchy are principles to which Member States should adhere to as much as possible. However, in the case of fighting transport emissions strict legal application of these principles could be counterproductive as local circumstances on existing use of certain feedstocks varies greatly.

Advanced biofuels are a fast track option to decarbonize transport. Investments in advanced biofuels have increased in recent years. However, only with predictable, long-term policies will the industry be able to dramatically increase investments and fully exploit the potential of those technologies.  Advanced biofuels bring multiple benefits in terms of CO2 reduction, investments, revenues for farmers and forestry, improved waste management practices, job creation and an increase in energy security. These opportunities are available in all Member States. LSB wishes to work with the European Institutions in order to share our knowledge, experience and ideas to ensure future policy that will promote sustainability, provide incentives for investments, and enable the growth of European industry.  Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information on the opportunities of advanced biofuels. LSB is a coalition of 12 leading sustainable advanced biofuels producers and technology developers committed to making a significant contribution to meeting EU ambitions of decarbonizing the transport sector. Advanced biofuels bring multiple benefits in terms of CO2 reduction, investments, revenues for farmers and forestry, improved waste management practices, job creation and an increase in energy security.



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