The Ecoplanta project, the only Spanish candidacy pre-selected by the European Commission Innovation Fund

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  • The waste recovery project in El Morell, Ecoplanta Molecular Solutions, the result of the joint venture between Enerkem, SUEZ Recycling & Recovery Spain and Repsol, has been pre-selected by the European Commission Innovation Fund for its contribution to the fight against climate change. It is one of seven projects selected among 300 others submitted from all of Europe.
  • With this pre-selection, the European Commission supports promoters of highly innovative projects and helps them implement their technology.
  • The use of waste as a main feedstock will strongly contribute to the improvement of recovery rates in Spain. It will also help the EU meet its 2035 targets for reducing the volume of municipal solid waste currently going to landfill, consolidating itself as a lower environmental impact alternative to incineration.



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